トップページ   お部屋・料金   宿泊について   ご予約   アクセス   オリジナルグッズ   ヘルパー・スタッフ募集   english

We wanted Free-accommodation staff! (Replacement of accommodation and cleaning)
rika chee     nari  miki




[Application requirements]
Instead of cleaning for about 3 hours at the guest house, you can use the night duty room (utilities included, air conditioner and Wi-Fi available) free of charge (free accommodation). You don't get paid, but the rest of the time is your free time!(The night duty room is a small room located at the back of the equipment storage area.)

[Business content]
●Please do cleaning after check-out. (From around 10:00am to around 1:00pm) It will fluctuate depending on the check-out status of the guests. Some days it's less and some days it's more.
●At 11:00pm, you will be required to turn off the lights and go to bed until the next morning. Please be sure to stay in the guesthouse during this time.
●You have 8 days off a month.

●No tourist visa (working holiday visa possible)
●Those who can have a little conversations in Japanese.
●Age: 20 years old or older
●There are always people in the guesthouse. Not suitable for those who are nervous or want to have a private space.

[Suitable for people like this]
●I love Kyoto
●I want to experience Machiya life
●I need a place to live on your working holiday

上記内容をお読みの上、下記項目を[ info@kioto-kyoto.com ] にお送りください。 たくさんのご応募お待ちしてます!志望動機などを細かく書いていただけると嬉しいです。メールを拝見した後、面接させていただきます。(zoomでの面接可)
●希望期間(2024/12/ 〇〇〜〇〇まで))


After reading the above, please send the following items to[ info@kioto-kyoto.com ] . We are waiting for a lot of applications! We would appreciate it if you could write down your motivation in detail. After reading your email, I will arrange an interview. (zoom interview possible)
●Attach a face photo
●Date of birth
●Your home address
●Phone number (mobile if available)
●Desired period

*Questions from Kioto
1. Why did you choose Guesthouse Kioto?
2. What are your weaknesses?
3. What do you want to do in Kyoto?
4. What are your hobbies?

トップページ   お部屋・料金   宿泊について   ご予約   アクセス   オリジナルグッズ   ヘルパー・スタッフ募集   english

■京都ゲストハウス木音 - Guesthouse KIOTO -  ■木音となり - Kioto Tonari -
〒602-8319 京都市上京区溝前町100 ◆お問い合わせメール info★kioto-kyoto.com (★→@) ◆TEL075-366-3780

簡易宿所営業 :木音
簡易宿所営業:ゲストハウス 木音となり

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